Investment returns for 2017

Photo: Canstock

An investment in gold saw a return of 12.44% for 2017. Both the S&P 500 SPDR and DJ Industrial SPDR gave investors a return of 20.61% and 27.15% respectively for 2017. Fixed income investments provided meager returns for investors. The Aggregate Bond IShares and DJ REIT SPDR gave returns of 3.42% and 3.15% for 2017.

Gold could face price pressure in 2018 as the FED raises interest rates. Since gold does not produce a yield, investors tend to look at other yield bearing assets in a rising interest rate environment.

The table below shows the total return for gold and other major ETFs for 2017.

ETFTicker symbolPrice - 3 Jan 2017Price - 29 Dec 2017Total return %age
Gold - spotGCY00$1,158.17$1,302.2212.44
S & P 500 SPDRSPY$225.24$266.8420.61
DJ Industrials SPDRDIA$198.42$247.3827.15
Aggregate Bond IShares ETFAGG$108.17$109.333.42
DJ REIT ETF SPDRRWR$93.54$93.693.15

The following weekly price charts are for the week ending January 5, 2018.